Free Hi-Res Apple Pictures / Textures

I was lying in bed couple of nights ago thinking about taking some pictures of apples and so the next day I took a trip to the supermarket and I bought a whole bunch of them. I went to the fruit section and grabbed one or two of every kind of apple they had (Granny Smith, Gala, Golden Delicious etc). I took pictures of them from different angles and positions and here is a pack of 64 high resolution apple images (3900-3000px) which also includes 2 photos of apples cut in half.
Check out the screens below. If you need just one image and don’t want to download the whole zip file I also uploaded 15 of the apple pictures to my flickr photostream. So stay healthy and add a green, yellow or red apple to your designs ;). If you find these tasty share the post or leave me a comment. Thanks!

Fantastic job of photographing the aples from every possible angle. Thanks for your hard work
For the cut apples, to preserve the freshness I will suggest lemon juice, before you take the image… no yellowing on the apple flesh! Beautiful images.
Now you tell me ;). Great tip, thanks! Wish I knew that when I took the pictures.
Amazing textures! I was wondering- In the title graphic of this post, how did you make the text look like it was cut into the apple? Thanks!! Love your site!
Thanks! What do you mean look like? You’re supposed to think I carved it ;). For starters I used Illustrator 3D Effect with Map Art to get the text outlines wrap nicely around a sphere (invisible geometry checked) similar to the apple. In Photoshop I took an image of a cut apple and used the text outlines from Illustrator to create layer masks. Then it was a play of inner shadows and light stroke effects on a couple of layers. If you need some info on mapping art in Illustrator, I have a 3d pencil tutorial that explains that. Hope it helps!
Thank you so much!
Really appreciate this! Thank you
lots of TLC went into this project! Sure do thank you…
These are really fun! Thank you!
Thank you so much, these are very useful!
Beautiful…just stunning work!
Holy cow! You crack me up, taking pictures of apples and sharing it with the world! You are a rare gem that it definitely something to treasure!
Thank you very much for sharing these photos! It is just what I was looking for.
Thank you for your generous nature!