Illustrator Tutorial Make a Vector Torn Paper

Here’s a new tutorial on how to make a vector torn paper in Illustrator. If you need some already made vector notebook pages you can grab them from my previous post here.
Read moreHere’s a new tutorial on how to make a vector torn paper in Illustrator. If you need some already made vector notebook pages you can grab them from my previous post here.
Read moreHere are some paper vectors. I made some ruled and quadrille graph filler papers, a yellow legal pad paper, a composition notebook cover and an open notebook. Some of the pages have ripped jagged edges. I kept the vectors simple and properly layered so you can easily change the colors.
Read moreSome new vector illustrations here… Brand new shiny vector calculators for anyone that needs some math in their designs :). The vector calculator pack includes three models, one black solar powered with rectangular buttons, one white solar powered with round buttons and one silver flip calculator with oval buttons and rubber margins.
Read moreVector film negatives should come in handy for a lot of photography theme designs. I made these film strip vectors based on two 24 exposure 35mm films (Color and Black & White). The sprocket holes, film frames, widths etc are the actual size; also made the dx barcode along the film perforations. They are as a separate layer if you don’t want them.
Read moreFound a treasure map without a windrose? Need cardinal directions? then this could be useful ;). I made six vector compass roses, two basic ones with North, South, East, West and four that also have the intermediate directions NE, NW, SE, SW.
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