Free Vector Notebook Papers and Cover

Here are some paper vectors. I made some ruled and quadrille graph filler papers, a yellow legal pad paper, a composition notebook cover and an open notebook. Some of the pages have ripped jagged edges. I kept the vectors simple and properly layered so you can easily change the colors.
So these should come in handy for vector designs and if you need some scanned images check out my previous post here. If you find them useful, share or leave a comment. Thanks!

This is amazing – thank you so much! I love your website – it’s so funky and well done. Truly genius. thanks again!
Thanks so much! your stuff is very very useful!! I love your good work.
Wow! I’m so excited to have finally come across a website that has all the vectors I’ve been searching for in one place…and they’re awesome…and free! My day can’t get any better : )
Thank you!!
What about the image you use as the background? An image like that would be great.
If you mean the canvas background, you can get some from my post Hi-Res Canvas Textures. And if you need some notebook paper textures you can download some here. Hope that helps!
nice post thank you
great job! thanks for sharing.
Gracias. Me han sido muy útiles.Vectorial, Mapa de bits,…qué guay!
Gracias por los vecotores, son muy utiles, Saludos
These are aweesome!!!! thanks for sharing!!
Thank you so much for sharing these
Mil gracias por los vectores me sirvieron mucho :)
thanks so much for all!!!
These will definitely come in handy. Thanks.
Awesome. I can’t believe I found such wonderful work!
Thanks! I’ve been searching this vectors for a long time
Thank you so much for sharing. Really appreciate your work and generosity.
thanksgraciasthanksgracias… nice job!
Thanks again! Your website has been very resourceful.
Great stuff and excellent site. This is a great resource which I plan on using a lot – thank you!
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Thank you so much! :) Nice work!
Excelentes vectores, muchisimas gracias por compartirlos.
Love the Composition Notebook! Thank you very much!
gracias!!!!! me sacaste del un apuro en el trabajo, si fuera taringa te dejaria puntos
Thanks again!
Thanks so much! I love these vectors, going to be using them in my school assignments, if thats okay. They’re awesome!
Thanks so much for all the goodies and for your generosity. Can’t wait to get creative with it all. You’re just… great :)
Thank you for sharing these very handy vectors.
Great Job mate! Thanks a lot for sharing the knowledge! If you need anything, just let me know please!
Have an excellent day!
THANK YOU for sharing!
Awesome. Thanks for sharing!
thanks sooooww much..
it help me to make a fun presentation
Gracias por todos estos trabajos muy Buenos y para texturizar son muy utiles, muy bueno y práctico tu sitio, Felicitaciones.
thank you soooo much for sharing your work !
very helpful !
I love your stuff! Thank you for sharing so generously. BUT, after I download, how do I use? AAAHHH! Silly question, I’m sure, but I am lost.
Thank you :)
Hi Mandy,
To use the vector files you would need a vector program like Illustrator. I also included png images which you can use in an image editing software. If you want more notebook stuff, there’s also another post here.
If you need a free image editor you can try or Gimp and search for some tutorials on youtube.
Como los descargo y los pongo en Photoshop???
Hi Fiore,
In Photoshop you can try to open the ai files or use the included png images. There’s also a post only with notebook images here.
Thanks for sharing!
Amazing work! Thanks for sharing! :)
Great! I was about to make a Recipe book for my Daughter and her friends and this is exactly what I need!! I found it really fun! THANKS A LOT!
u sure work hard
Amazing Work ! Thanx for sharing
These are perfect! I’ve been wanting some notebook paper for sometime, but I’ve never found a download.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing all of your awesome work with us! Very, very useful.
Thank you so much for sharing these! They’re super cool :)
You have THE BEST stuff! thank You soooo much!
thank you very much
Muchas gracias! (than you very much)
Muy buen dia gracias por todo esta Full
¡Que genial! ¡Me enamoré de esos vectores! En serio, que generoso al compartir ésto. Te has ganado una seguidora :)
Just what I needed. Thanks.
You rock! Thanks so much!!
Thanks these are great.
Thank you so much for being so generous