Free Hi-Res Old Air Mail Envelope Images 2
Here’s part 2 of the Old Airmail Envelopes – same high resolution scans as part 1. The pack contains 12 images (front and back for each envelope) at around 6000-3500px.
They have nice texture details, air mail markings plus some old stamps and if you want to customize them check out my Old Postmark Stamp Photoshop Tutorial. Leave me a comment or share the post if you like them. Thanks!
fantastic images! thank you for sharing!
They are great! Thank you!
Wonderful….thank you very much!
Far out! These are HUGE! LOL Thank you!
Thank you so very much! These will be a great addition to my files and for use with my art journaling.
They’re just awesome these stamps/envelope textures,is totally vintage and im crazy about it…am chaging my lay again,and i guess i gonna use some things from here.Thanx a lot.
thanks for sharing the lot of imagines…
FANTÁSTICO!Mil veces fantástico!!!!Me encanta!!A lot of thanks from Spain
Just found out about your web site and love your downloads. Melstamps just made a card with your photo frames and it is so darn cute! Your stuff rocks!
Amazing textures, thank for that!
Love these – thanks so much!
Thanks a lot :-)
Your images are wonderful
Thank you for sharing
Thank you so much I am going to print these on fabric and make some pretty things!!
thanks again – these are so great, i can’t wait to share with Mom who loves to journal!
Thank you! Fabulous!
Awesome! Thank you!
Fabulous, thanks so much for sharing :)
From Canary Islands, Spain: Thanks! I love it!
Thank you for sharing these great images.
Oh my, what a treasure trove you have here! My first time here but it sure won’t be my last. I found you via Genine’s site. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing these goodies. I have a few real blue airmail envelopes like these from 80s :)
Came here fore the wrinkled textures, but there a lot more very nice stuff here, thanks for sharing
Thanks so much!!! Great stuff.
Thanks! Just what I needed!
You have the best freebies, I can’t wait to make something with these!
awesome! Thanks for posting more cool envelopes :)
Sorry to bother, but I have a Windows vista program and it opens with PDF or any program of my choice. Only once have I downloaded something and was able to have the Extract option. What am I doing wrong?
You have to extract the downloaded images from the zip file. Right click on it and it should say somewhere Extract – if that doesn’t work you can install 7-zip to extract them. After that, the images are jpg’s and can be opened in any image editing program.
Wonderful! Thanks
These are FABULOUS! perfect for vacation photos! Thank you for sharing them.
Thanks so much for these wonderful images. Very generous of you. I used one in my New Year’s ecard this year.
Thank you so much for this and all the other free images. I wanted to spruce up my blogs a bit and could never have done work like this on my own. Definitely recommending your website to others!
Thank you for the images…I scrapbook and do fabric art so these will be great!
I downloaded the part 1 and thanks again for part 2. Can’t wait to play.
People like you put add smiles to the world.
thank you so much!!! so very lovely — you and the images! :)
Thank you for sharing!
This is awesome !! thankyou very much !
Fabulous, thanks so much for sharing!
Fantastic Thanks!
Thank you so much for sharing the envelope download.
Can’t wait to use them on a project
Thanks for the freebies!
Thank you mate :-}
just perfect. Thanks so much
Love the envelope images. Thank you for sharing.
thank you for all but … you didn’t share any new we’re waiting…
Thank you a lot!!!
Hi!! Thanks for sharing…your stuff making my imagination of editing increasing =)
thank you! love them!
Thank you so much for sharing these! :)
Thank you so much
Wow! Thank you so much for such a great gift!
Thanks for taking the time to make & share and answer questions so patiently!
Thank you so much- for everything on this site is just amazing, as well as the design of the site itself^^
best wishes,
Thank You!
Thank you SOOO much!!! You are truly awesome!
Very awesome site – thanks very much
Muchas gracias senior!
thanks so muchy
Beautiful as usual. Thanks a lot.
This is awesome! Thank you :)
thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!
Thank you so much for this awesome gift! I really appreciate all your freebies. G R E A T & A W S O M E !
Vielen 1000 Dank :)
Love old stuff ! Thanks so glad I found your site : D
Glad I found your site, great stuff!!
Thanks so much for sharing!!! It is an incredible stuff!!!
Absolutely amazing! So helpful, thank you!!!
Me encantaron!
Thank You very mauch!!! Awesome!!!
Awesome, collection! Thank you!
Love your site and your generosity. Thank you sooooo much for sharing all the incredible stuff which is on your site. BRAVO !!!!!
Great idea, thanks alot.